
October 2, 2014

Opening Up a Little about Oiling

Every person has a story. Here is mine. There is so much more behind the person running HOW DOES IT MEASURE UP. I'm human, I struggle, I have preferences, I have things I absolutely avoid. My life consists of PROVE it just like many of you. I'm a mother that is very different with her views. Why have I turned into an odd-ball? Well, because I too was blinded by media. Ignore the fundraiser link. That's not what I want my Measure Up Readers to focus on, I want to focus on the fact that I care about everyone, even those with unfavorable past. We all have skeletons. Some are hidden, some have become public. I'm all about acceptance. How does this relate to Measure Up? It doesn't quite but I can find a way of making it. Life- sometimes it doesn't measure up quite the way we want it to.

(Where to buy Young Living Essential Oils. Tip: It's NEVER AMAZON!!)

Help Grant My Wish Here

Our Story.
Up until I was about seventeen I had always been confident with pharmaceuticals. I always would ask Mommy to fix my ailment, inform her of needing a visit to the doctor's office etc. She was always the kind of person that only wanted to use OTC or prescriptions if it was the last resort. I Really did not understand this at all. Pills always worked faster than any old fashioned remedy.  Didn't they? Well as I got older I realized that my quick fixes came with ridiculous side effects that were a lot more annoying than the original ailment. The long informative fine print pamphlets glued to my pill bottles started to seem more like a chemical label warning than an informative pamphlet. I have acute anxiety and feel like all eyes are always on me. I was struggling in school and was able to have doctor visits with out my guardian at this point. So, I told my doctor what was going on. First, I was diagnosed with PMDD and given a simple fix. birth control pills. That only helped for a short while for my random breaking down and sobbing. I was then put on an additional drug Klonopin. I had some bad side effects- anger outbursts, restlessness,or the opposite antisocial, and constantly napping. While at a flea market I came across a natural remedy StressEez. It seemed to cure all of my anxiety problems. I was able to do oral presentations that I otherwise would have fought tooth and nail and taken an "F" over.  I started to excel in school and graduated as class salutatorian.  How could this be? I began to really love researching herbal remedies and like my mother, I avoided the pharmacy and doctors unless I absolutely needed the medical attention. My appointments dwindled down to annual physicals. One of my last visits left me fuming. I was called a hypochondriac for having listed my symptoms due to my memory being on the fritz. I was sent home after being told change your diet, eat healthy them come back. This was odd because he never asked what I ate... And I only ate HEALTHY MSG free foods mainly a raw diet supplemented with fish and chicken.I would have never remembered all of my symptoms since my memory loss and speech impairment were two of the main things bothering me. Among other things, my hair was falling out in clumps, I was lethargic, dizzy,fainting suffering migraines. My sugar was so sky high the meter would read HI or as low as 40. I was developing large bumps all over my body  and when pressed on after becoming extremely inflamed and painful, a glass like bead would emerge. My asthma was getting a lot worse, my anxiety was so horrid I didn't want to leave the house. Even more frustrating? My hands were shaking so badly that I couldn't perform hair cuts. I had what doctors refer to as word salad. Speech and precise hand work is essential in my field of work. I was beginning to feel like a complete failure. I felt the more precise the information I give the better they can diagnose me. I pretty much was discouraged by this  and had some seriously hurt feelings. My Mother and Husband were the ones that urged me to go. I just wanted it to heal on its own. As far as I know hypochondriacs are constantly seeking medical attention. I'm quite the opposite I avoid going because I don't want to be annoying doctors and be taking up other their time while other patients needed to be seen. Beside that I don't like to take anything besides antibiotics. So, how is a physician going to help me? Well, now I've been loosing my faith in doctors. I feel like all the liars, addicts and hypochondriacs have ruined the way doctors diagnose and most IMPORTANTLY treat their patients. In case you were wondering, I couldn't find the StressEez tablets anywhere on the market back then. And that only helped with anxiety. 

Unfortunately my kids are required to see doctors, still have all the shots to get by law for the school etc. Teachers really can't stand having wiggly hyper kid. Apparently, not treating an incurable disease such as autism and ADHD with dangerous PILLS is considered neglect of mental health where I live. Humm.
So, of course to protect my babies from the system going all nutty I put my daughter on medications. OH MY GOSH. This was a horror. I was in constant tears and an emotional wreck about her well being. It  turns out my baby can not use ADHD medication due to allergies and sensitivities. I turned to what was progressively earning my growing love.. Herbal remedies. This also had people with twisted panties, but, when onlookers lack knowledge of things this is easy to do. So, I just kept on trucking in the new age journey.

Now, I've seen and heard far more than I'd like to, but, it assisted in nurturing my brain and expanded my knowledge. I'll never regret battling school request or discussing what is important to me with doctors. Yes, almost everything has turned into a rebuttal. However, not many people have had to experience the emotional torture and mental terrors as I have. It's rare. As a Mother bear I must continue to stay strong and protect my child whether the risk is one-in-a-million or less the risk remains and I'm not comfortable taking that risk with MY babies.

My husband's mother is quite the opposite of mine. She's a nurse that is a heavy believer in pharmaceutical remedies. Needless to say he grew up trialing and experiencing errors with ADHD stimulants and all those alike. How-ever, my husband has had is toils with medications as well. He has had a series of inexplicable seizures and panic attacks with their use. Imagine the fear that ignites while receiving a phone call that your spouse has collapsed into a seizure in their work place!

I reconnected with an old family friend semi-recently. She told me her testimony of her ADHD always medicated son. And, that they are going to discontinue medication and switch to.. Oils? Well, when I use essential oil it is always for my homemade skin care. And wearing as aromatherapy for anxiety and mood assistance. I never thought I could do anything else with them. Everyone that knows me knows that I always smell like a rose, the forest and soil after a good rain or a licorice stick. This was my own personal tool not to stand out or to hope someone caught a whiff. I used them because they at least helped with my anxiety and had a calming effect. Recently it clicked that while diffusing  lavender a year or so back it did significantly calm my kiddos down, and no I never even explained to them what it was for I just diffused. When I wore anise oil and would hold my little ones they seemed to fall fast asleep. The other thing I realized is that oil is basically my beloved herbs in a highly concentrated form. I just never thought of long term use. Well, back to my friend! Her teen is no longer taking pills. And, while I was visiting and smelling a certain oil I left migraine free. This intrigued me ever so much. Why? I have a daughter with autism and ADHD, a husband and son with ADHD and myself, I have all these odd unsolved problems. On top of this none of us have had FANTASTIC  side-effect free experiences with our scripts. And when something unusual happens that isn't on the side effect list the doctors refuse to make the connection.
After a few friendly visits, and rubbing oil samples from the natural health fair on my kiddos toes I became infatuated. I can't imagine living with out the knowledge that I have now gained.

I decided to go with Young Living because, in comparison to my others there is no carrier oil. When I buy else where and go by fluid ounces there is no way of knowing if the carrier oil in that bottle only has 5 drops of essential oils or 50. So, essentially you are getting more essential oils for your buck by going with these small oil bottles because you can make so many of your own blends like at the store with just one of these and some coconut oil, olive oil or their V-6 blend.And there is no guess work now with "which blend is stronger?". YL also has so many neat things that they can say and no other company can. From the seed to seal, to the founder owning at least 9 of the farms (that you can visit!) to the testimonies. Really, though competitors have found ways to slander like all will do I feel that this is the best choice. I care about the purity and dilution free. So, yes they are for me!
I feel like I could help everyone! I'm determined to introduce and help my family, my friends, people during sobriety struggles. I'm a helper and a lover and that is why I want to share Young Living Essential Oils (YL). Not, to become rich quick or scam any one but to spread alternatives.

The oils can be as little as $15!

Just a few to look at:
Oils said to aid in Autism & ADHD: Grounding, Cedarwood, Lavender, Valor, Peace and Calming, Brain Power, Vetiver,Clarity, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, SARA, Common Sense, JuvaFlex 

Oils said to help with Addiction: Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Clary Sage

Oils said to aid in relieving Stress: Stress Away Peace and Calming, Valor, Joy, Bergamot, Purification,  TraumaLife, Tranquil

* Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.*

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