
February 26, 2013

Review: Baby Foot

Go for it!!

Day 1
Any one who knows me, knows that my feet are gross...But I am sick of hiding them~ my whole body is a freaking  dry scale. So, in the summer I tell my flip-flops "join my dry cracked feet and lets make them cruddier!".
Well, I've tried everything since age 11 to get luscious/bodacious feet. I've even considered harvesting the dead skin devouring fish found in some high end salons. Being a cosmetologist I have access to every pedi "cure" in the book. And you know what? They all failed! My feet were soft for minuscule moments and almost immediately dried up again! 16 years of trial after trial later here comes Baby Foot. I've never seen a method quite like this! Baby Foot claims to be a a deep exfoliating foot peel that takes 2-14 days before any results are seen. Scrolling through photos and testimonials it seems marvelously promising. Almost too good to be true actually. At first glance, I thought "A very overly priced version of my softening socks.". Yet, I can not get over the before and after photos plastered through out the site! Sometimes beauty comes from the most disgusting of things (child birth for example) lets see if these tired, over-worked mommy soles can be reborn! join me in my 2-14 day journey to newborn feet!
Day 2
The tops of my feet have started to be painlessly peel and what has been revealed truly does feel like baby skin! The soles are softer, but no progress has happened as for peeling/exfoliation. Lets see how day 3 goes!
36 Hours
The first 24 hours had my feet itchy and they slightly flaked. Now 36 hours later I took a soak in bubble-less water and dead skin just started to roll off into little beads I took some photos to show you the progress.
After 48 Hours I did not see any changes my feet are dry with no peeling left. I'm supposed to wait 2 weeks before finalizing results but I think the process is done. I'll let you know if I have any more progress.

This works wonders. After a few treatments I got the hang of it. I have naturally dry feet (deep callouses,cracks,sandpaper feeling) so I had to wet my feet for it to work. The product requires patience. It won't work instantly it takes at least a week! I like to use two treatments spaced five to seven days apart.I was mind-blown that it actually worked. It is pricey but beauty comes with a price tag.

 Use the EMJOI or Ped Egg before and after treatments (wait a week)  to accelerate and maintain the results!

The best "HOW TO" in my opinion after using the product every few months for at least a year.
I'm a cosmetologist, so, I know about the majority of the salon peels out there and how to use them. A lot of them are extremely dangerous. BABY FOOT blows those away. Follow these steps for best results. REMEMBER TO RINSE THOROUGHLY AFTER THE TREATMENT. IF YOU FEEL BURNING WASH WITH SOAP. DO NOT ADD LOTION TO SOOTH, SOAP STOPS CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF PEELS LOTION WILL BURN DEEPER. I DO NOT THINK BABY FOOT WOULD EVER CAUSE THIS PROBLEM BUT IN CASE IT DOES KEEP THIS IN MIND.

1. Prepare to relax! Set up a relax station where you intend to soak before you get started. Either with a book or your favorite movie (but I don't suggest having electronics near water)
2. Prepare a soak using a mixture of 3 cups White Vinegar, 1 dollar store bottle of Listerine,1 cup Epsom salt put it all into the foot bath container and add a tea kettle of boiled water mix with a wooden spoon and let cool until the heat is comfortable.
3. Soak your feet for 30 minutes
4. While still using the foot bath scrub your feet over it with a prepared mixture of 1/3 cup White Vinegar, 1/3 cup Listerine, 1/4 cup Epsom salt, 1&3/4 cups white sugar. Rinse in the foot bath. Then rinse in clean clear water.
5. OPTIONAL use a ped egg or Emjoi to free the loose skin and expose what needs the magical work of BABY FOOT WASH&RINSE FEET
6. Wear the booties 1 to 2 hours

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